Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Misfits Opening Title Sequence

I like the gritty textures and simple lines in this animation and the mixture or 2D animation and live action.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


For this animation I want to create a sense of magic everywhere in this world as part of people's everyday life. One of the major forms of communication in this story I used this Origami site for inspiration to create a paper flower that folds out to show a message. I started with an traditional tulip but I think it looks too simple and angular for this animation.

I prefer the Kusudama flower which is much prettier and lends itself to folding out into a letter.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Tale of How

The animation is the first in a trilogy from The Blackheart Gang. I love the detailed textures in the animation. There are also 13 prints and a beautiful coffee table book on The Blackheart Gang website.

The Tale of How from Shy the Sun on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


These are the pictures I have been looking at to create the fairytale castle for the animation. I looked at french castles because the castles in France are still in good condition and are less archaic than castles in other parts of Europe.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011


After doing some research and experimentation with watercolour and ink, I have decided to use watercolour as my main medium for the environments of my animation. Some of my inspirations come from the following artists.

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, “Caricature of a Man Holding a Three-cornered Hat”
I like the use of strong lines and subtle tone in the form of the man in this painting.

Joseph William Mallord Turner R.A., "Storm at Sea"
I love the loose, expresive brush strokes that create texture and the colours bleeding into each other in this painting that create a lot of depth and movement in what is a limited and almost abstract painting.

John Ruskin, “Study of Boulders”
I like the fine detail and textures created in this work and the use of pens for fine details.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


These two examples of how roterscoping can be used really well. I live the deatils in A sCanner Darkly and the bright colours in the Nike Plus I Run advertisement.

Friday, April 1, 2011


This Irish animation has beautiful watercolour environments. I like the use of colour in the scenes to evoke different emotions and the textures created through letting colour bleed into each other.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

This is a really nice story

I love the simple animation style and mixture of photos and 2D animation and the great story.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stop Motion

The Little Prince is a famous French book and the inspiration for this moleskin add. I like the use of layers of paper to create depth and the pale colours in the animation.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


This is the animatic to the storyboard and script in the previous post. I'm quite happy with the sound, although I think there still needs to be more ambient noise in the bamboo forest, the main character needs to be shown, and parts of the difference between photos, TV shots and real life need to be shown.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Skunk Fu! Animation Style

I like the bright solid colours and minimalist animation style when it comes to textures and detail, to emphasize the characters and actions in the episodes.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Concept 1: Synopsis and Storyboard

The animation is the beginning of a much broader story, introducing the main character and setting to continue the story in depth. The animation opens with the daily life of the main character in approximately 1-2 second long extreme closeups snapshotting her life, emphasising our dependence on technology in our day to day lives and the mundane routine of daily life. Here it is revealed that she works for a security company monitoring phone conversations, she is currently looking for her sister who has been missing for some months, and is one in a lone line of people who have recently gone missing. On an international level, there is the very real threat of war between America and China, and in preparation for war, America has started a controversial army breeding program which is rumoured to be in crisis. That night she is abducted and wakes up inside the underground breeding program with a small group of people who have rescued her from the breeding facility, which is now overrun by awol soldiers. She has 48 hours to try and find her sister and reach the other side of the facility to escape.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Editing Style

I like the editing style in Shaun of the Dead, where mundane parts of the movie are sped up by quickly showing closeups of what they are doing. In this video the extreme close ups are shown in the first few seconds.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


The TV series Dollhouse, is set in the present, where people have their minds wiped and replaced with new personalities and personal histories for hire for the rich. The idea of using machinery to permanently alter someone's mind and then wipe it for a new assignment and artificially constructing personalities and histories to create completely new people for a few hours or a few days fascinating.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

People in Machines

I started by looking at other Sci-Fi takes on the idea of The Post Human in Dr. Who. The episodes, The Long Game, Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways, are set on Satellite 5, which broadcasts all of the universe's news and entertainment to earth. The journalists in satellite 5 have implants in their brains, which are holes in the foreheads opened when you click your fingers, to connect with the satellite and gather and share information for broadcast, Using peoples brains as part of the computer. The season ends with The Doctor discovering that there is a girl permanently wired into the computer from the age of six.

Watch from 5 minutes in:

The season 2 episode, The Girl in the Fireplace, is a case of AI gone wrong, where a ship suffers so much damage that there are not enough parts to fix the ship, so the repair droids start using body parts from the crew as parts of machinery.