Wednesday, March 2, 2011

People in Machines

I started by looking at other Sci-Fi takes on the idea of The Post Human in Dr. Who. The episodes, The Long Game, Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways, are set on Satellite 5, which broadcasts all of the universe's news and entertainment to earth. The journalists in satellite 5 have implants in their brains, which are holes in the foreheads opened when you click your fingers, to connect with the satellite and gather and share information for broadcast, Using peoples brains as part of the computer. The season ends with The Doctor discovering that there is a girl permanently wired into the computer from the age of six.

Watch from 5 minutes in:

The season 2 episode, The Girl in the Fireplace, is a case of AI gone wrong, where a ship suffers so much damage that there are not enough parts to fix the ship, so the repair droids start using body parts from the crew as parts of machinery.

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