Sunday, March 13, 2011

Concept 1: Synopsis and Storyboard

The animation is the beginning of a much broader story, introducing the main character and setting to continue the story in depth. The animation opens with the daily life of the main character in approximately 1-2 second long extreme closeups snapshotting her life, emphasising our dependence on technology in our day to day lives and the mundane routine of daily life. Here it is revealed that she works for a security company monitoring phone conversations, she is currently looking for her sister who has been missing for some months, and is one in a lone line of people who have recently gone missing. On an international level, there is the very real threat of war between America and China, and in preparation for war, America has started a controversial army breeding program which is rumoured to be in crisis. That night she is abducted and wakes up inside the underground breeding program with a small group of people who have rescued her from the breeding facility, which is now overrun by awol soldiers. She has 48 hours to try and find her sister and reach the other side of the facility to escape.

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