Saturday, October 9, 2010

MMD2306 - Sick On Sin Web Review

This website is an online store selling merchandise connected to Ornery Boy web comic. The aesthetics are similar to the web comic in style but different in colour and use slightly cleaner lines and stronger grid than the comic, making it very easy to navigate quickly to what you want to see and access information easily. The menus on the site do not change so there is no need to carefully retrace your steps to work out where you were previously. This makes the learn-ability and usability of the site very easy and there is'nt much to remember in terms of choosing and buying items. You can choose to set up an account with them, so they can remember your shipping and billing information or not if you think you will be making a one off purchase. I have not been able to trigger any error messages and if you accidentally navigate away from buying an item it will remember your information for you, so errors made by the user are kept at a minimum. If you choose to become a regular shopper and create an account there are elements of flexability in terms of keeping your billing and shipping information on hand and keep a wish list.

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