Tuesday, October 12, 2010

MMD2306 - Sherlock Holmes Movie Web Review

The look of the site is similar to that of the movie with a large banner "Buy the DVD" at the top and an trailer and text for the blue ray/dvd at in hte centre of the page. Below it is an "Enter Site" buttone next to a "Buy Now" button. The structure of the site is minimal with the content in the center and the site menu strip at the bottom. Like many movie sites it has music playing, which can get annoying especially if it is all you get for 2-5 minutes while you wait for the page to load or 30 seconds-1 minute for a photograph. The site menu automatically scrolls as you move your mouse making it difficult to click the link you want.
On every new page there is a small clip of the movie to keep the viewer entertained but it is still no substitute for a faster loading time. For people who are fans of the movie, you can download wallpapers, posters, screen savers and even an iphone app, sample the music and play games. Although one game is unavailable the other allows you to solve mysteries by observing the scene and recalling clues in a similar way to Sherlock Holmes in the movie and then decide the guilty person, their method and motive. You are graded on how fast you solve the mystery which is in part decided by you internet speed because you can loose large amounts of time waiting for the video to load.


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