Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Kinetic Type

This first animation is funny.

I like the idea of using type to create images.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

MMD2306 - Margan Marganski Web Review

This website is specifically for sound. This website uses a minimal layout focusing only on words and sound. Sounds flow easily from one page to the other with very little loading time. Created in Flash, the website features words slowly appearing from a jumble of out of focus letters and a soundwave across the center which seems to react to the sounds played on the site. It is easy to browse different sounds in the site and you can enter a full screen mode for a more emersive experience. I thnk the useability and memorablitly of the site is very high but there are few options for flexability.

MMD2306 - Sherlock Holmes Movie Web Review

The look of the site is similar to that of the movie with a large banner "Buy the DVD" at the top and an trailer and text for the blue ray/dvd at in hte centre of the page. Below it is an "Enter Site" buttone next to a "Buy Now" button. The structure of the site is minimal with the content in the center and the site menu strip at the bottom. Like many movie sites it has music playing, which can get annoying especially if it is all you get for 2-5 minutes while you wait for the page to load or 30 seconds-1 minute for a photograph. The site menu automatically scrolls as you move your mouse making it difficult to click the link you want.
On every new page there is a small clip of the movie to keep the viewer entertained but it is still no substitute for a faster loading time. For people who are fans of the movie, you can download wallpapers, posters, screen savers and even an iphone app, sample the music and play games. Although one game is unavailable the other allows you to solve mysteries by observing the scene and recalling clues in a similar way to Sherlock Holmes in the movie and then decide the guilty person, their method and motive. You are graded on how fast you solve the mystery which is in part decided by you internet speed because you can loose large amounts of time waiting for the video to load.

MMD2306 - The Age Web Review

I decided the review The Age website because it holds large amounts of information on varied topics. When you initially look at the home page, it looks busy and its hard to work out where to fins information. My eyes were first drawn to the story on the left with a large picture, and then to the advertisement on the right, completely skipping the main stories in the middle column. But the first initial glance, it is much easier to read the main stories and choose to read any that may interest. It is not so easy to navigate back to the home page or relocate stories on this website, but it is tailored to browsing the news. For easier access and relevance, the website will create a menu for your state and will test your internet speed so you can watch videos quickly.
For more experienced users they will know what news they want to read and can go straight to that category in the menu at in the center at the top. As you get to the bottom of each story and small pop-up comes suggesting other stories in that category and other popular stories. This makes usability very easy and as the news changes every day, memorability is not a major issue and browsing and finding new information is encouraged. For regular users, they will be able to optimise searching by choosing countries, people or even companies to find news they are interested to them. But beyond that there is little flexability in the website.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

MMD2306 - Sick On Sin Web Review

This website is an online store selling merchandise connected to Ornery Boy web comic. The aesthetics are similar to the web comic in style but different in colour and use slightly cleaner lines and stronger grid than the comic, making it very easy to navigate quickly to what you want to see and access information easily. The menus on the site do not change so there is no need to carefully retrace your steps to work out where you were previously. This makes the learn-ability and usability of the site very easy and there is'nt much to remember in terms of choosing and buying items. You can choose to set up an account with them, so they can remember your shipping and billing information or not if you think you will be making a one off purchase. I have not been able to trigger any error messages and if you accidentally navigate away from buying an item it will remember your information for you, so errors made by the user are kept at a minimum. If you choose to become a regular shopper and create an account there are elements of flexability in terms of keeping your billing and shipping information on hand and keep a wish list.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kinetic Type Music Videos

I like this first video because it incorporates 3D animation and type in really unexpected ways.

This one incorporates real life into the animation, which I think sometimes works and sometimes get confusing.