Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MMD2306 - Air Bag Productions Web Review

This website has a very simple layout of home, show reel, contact details, and studio. There is no mention of list of clients or services like many other agencies, apart from “Production, Post and Visual Effects” on their home page. The clients are mentioned on the Television and Advertising page, which shows a selection of complete adds, rather than a show reel. I prefer to see the whole adds because you can evaluate the effectiveness and the creativity of the adds in more detail than in a show reel.
The layout uses simple and clear lines, with a good use of a grid which makes navigation flow well and you can easily jump from one page to another without digging into lots of pages to find information. It does have some photos of its studio unlike other studios. Because of the simplicity of the site, the usability and memorability of it is very high, while being able to watch entire adds increases the enjoyment of the site.

This is my new favourite advertisment that Air Bag Productions has made.

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