Monday, August 30, 2010


This is just enterntaining website and now a book of lazy design techniques called This Year I Will Not Do.

The other website is another craft one, called The Worsted Witch I was especially drawn to the environmental message in this one with the vase of flowers knitted out of plastic bags.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MMD2306 - Air Bag Productions Web Review

This website has a very simple layout of home, show reel, contact details, and studio. There is no mention of list of clients or services like many other agencies, apart from “Production, Post and Visual Effects” on their home page. The clients are mentioned on the Television and Advertising page, which shows a selection of complete adds, rather than a show reel. I prefer to see the whole adds because you can evaluate the effectiveness and the creativity of the adds in more detail than in a show reel.
The layout uses simple and clear lines, with a good use of a grid which makes navigation flow well and you can easily jump from one page to another without digging into lots of pages to find information. It does have some photos of its studio unlike other studios. Because of the simplicity of the site, the usability and memorability of it is very high, while being able to watch entire adds increases the enjoyment of the site.

This is my new favourite advertisment that Air Bag Productions has made.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Graffiti Art

One of my favourite graffiti phenomenons is the invader mosaics all over the world. The artist is based in Europe with huge numbers of invaders all over Paris.

Another graffiti artist based in the UK is Moose. I like his environmental messages in his works and a non-toxic way of creating them.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Other Art

This is some cool Styrofoam Cup Art using black pen to create patterns and pictures.

Also, the website Craftism, uses traditional crafts, such as knitting, to bring new life and character to places and objects such as abandoned petrol stations and army tanks.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stuff I Love About England

These are websites from Brighton, England, where my mum comes from and my extended family lives. North Lane Photography Gallery is a great gallery for local photographers above a HUGE vintage shop in the Brighton lanes, selling everything such as decks of cards, clothes, stamps and furniture. The most famous aspect of the gallery is the annual calendar showcasing the best photographs of the year mainly of Brighton's famous gay parade, winter festivals and beautiful seaside scenery.

One national pastime of England is drinking tea. The Tea Appreciation Society was founded in 2007 and has a lot of cool art, music and merchandise.